Virtual Working Trinidad & Tobago - 7/2020

Online School for entrepreneurs, employers with remote workers, virtual assistants and anyone who does business online.

Course Summary

Navigate the virtual world of work effectively by utilising technology and techniques for success. Join Rachael Hunte (Virtual Assistant) and John Ruman (Business Coach & Consultant) as we teach you how to set up and effectively run an online business.

Course Curriculum

John Ruman

My name is John Ruman. I presently live in the Southern-most Caribbean island of Trinidad.

My mission on this planet is to help humanity achieve greatness and unlock our unlimited potential. Iā€™m here to serve so we can all stop playing small and live the life we are destined to live.

This online platform is designed to help us break through and dissolve barriers so we can shine bright.

Topics vary from confidence building to practical things such as productivity & time management, to every day things like exercise, vitality, & diet.

If this sounds like a journey you want to join me and others on, come aboard. There is room for everyone and a seat with your name on it.

Rachael Hunte

I love helping and teaching others. I am a virtual assistant which allows me to help many different business owners take their business to the next level by giving them the support they need. I am also a Virtual Assistant Consultant where I have the awesome opportunity to teach others how to create a VA business. 

My goal is to share the knowledge I have acquired with others so that we can all learn, grow and make the world a better place. 

Candace Magloire

VWTT Studentā€‹ā€‹

As a new start up or even someone hoping to revive a dream or idea they have shelved for years, this course will definitely help anyone start setting the foundation for their business. This program provides you with the tools to get your business going and it gives the building blocks in order to structure and streamline your business needs, goals and expectations. There is a saying, "You get what you expect". By placing the value and investment on YOU, you will achieve and receive the desired results. This course will help you get to where you need to be. I am happy that I did and can't wait to reap the rewards.

Course Pricing

Lifetime Access to July 2020 Training Videos

$23 USD

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