Productivity Reboot

Productivity Reboot Certification Course

A comprehensive course to boost your productivity including: How to say 'no', Delegation Mastery, Creating Systems & Processes, and more! Sign-up Now!

 "John did a great job in fusing the benefits of self care, time management strategies and how it results in productivity.
Lots of details given so everything was crystal clear."

Trinidad & Tobago Graduate

Do any of these sound like you?

  •  Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed and like you're never getting ahead?
  •  How much time do you waste doing other people's work because you don't know how to say no?
  •  How much money could you save by not doing everything yourself?
  •  Do you ever go into a successful business, where everything seems to run smoothly, and wish that your business could run the same way?

If they do, you've come to the right place.

 "Content was very informative  and thought provoking. Great delivery, simple and effective. I enjoyed the methods for breaking down daily tasks.  I also learnt about myself and others, as well as some good management techniques.  Last but no least it was more than what I expected.  Totally worth my time and investment." 

Alicia Holder
Trinidad & Tobago Graduate

Course Summary

Session 1: Upgraded Techniques for Time Management

  • How to spot time wasting activities & identify your best use of time
  • End procrastination forever & be ahead of the game
  • How to overcome impossible & seemingly insurmountable goals
  • How to no longer feel overwhelmed
  • Power of ‘no’ & how to say it with minimal negative side effects & accomplish more

Session 2: Delegation & the Power of Many

  • Why should you delegate & why is it so hard to actually start doing it?
  • How you can start delegating, get your time back and overcome your resistance
  • The magic of our modern world for delegation
  • How delegation applies to personal life as well as business life
  • How to overcome Superman/Superwoman Syndrome
  • The era of the personal assistant & the virtual assistant
  • Learn real applicable practices for starting to grow your team by delegating

Session 3: Creating Processes & Systems to Make your Business Boom!

  • How your company can benefit from systems
  • How your customers will love you and refer you more business after you systematise
  • Would you like to have your business 1,000 times larger & more impactful than it is now?
  • What if you only had to hire only a handful of people to accomplish that?
  • What did McDonalds teach us?
  • Exercises for you to start this now

Session 4: Minimising Distractions for Focus & Improving Sleep Quality

  •  How your physical space impacts your productivity & how your sleep affects your focus
  •  Two powerful techniques that alone are amazing and together will change how you work forever
  •  How to leverage technology to stop distracting you
  •  How to identify distractions in your work environment
  • Simple yet immediately applicable tools for sleeping better

Session 5: Putting It All Together

  •  Review of Everything Taught Thus Far
  •  The Pareto Principle aka 80/20 Rule explain and why you need to know this to achieve maximum success and productivity gains
  •  80/20 Exercise with worksheet
  •  My suggestions on how to leverage all of these tools and techniques for maximum success - SPOILER ALERT! - This will probably be your favourite section of the entire course.
  • Action plan and worksheets to maximise your success

 "Lots of great ways to organize your to do list."

Trinidad & Tobago Graduate

Course Curriculum

 Why Choose Us & This Course?

We are well-aware of competing sites that make hour-long courses, sell them for $10-$40 and pawn them off for a full-blown course. If you came for that, you went to the wrong place. This course is 10+ hours long and designed to help you overcome your challenges. You can't do that in an hour, sorry.

These sites do this as it is all about numbers, not quality of content. This course was was created based on taking the time to provide quality, valuable content and serve the needs of our clients.

  •  Your investment will give you to the exclusive 'Productivity Reboot' community that is only accessible to those that have purchased this program or other productivity programs.
  • Course length 10+ hours and growing.
  •  Bonus section is refreshed regularly with exclusive content.
  •  The content taught has been refined & improved by working with groups in workshop format and live one-on-one & group coaching as well. This allows us to help ensure the effectiveness of the program towards helping you achieve your objectives.
  • Investors in the course will get exclusive access to promotions as well as early-access to upcoming programs. 

 " What I learnt  from the time management course  were very valuable techiniques  to make my 24hrs more productive  and in the near future I can create some extra me time."

Helen Mitchell
Trinidad & Tobago Graduate

John Ruman

My name is John Ruman. I presently live in the Southern-most Caribbean island of Trinidad.

My mission on this planet is to help humanity achieve greatness and unlock our unlimited potential. I’m here to serve so we can all stop playing small and live the life we are destined to live.

This online platform is designed to help us break through and dissolve barriers so we can shine bright.

Topics vary from confidence building to practical things such as productivity & time management, to every day things like exercise, vitality, & diet.

If this sounds like a journey you want to join me and others on, come aboard. There is room for everyone and a seat with your name on it.

 "Feeling busy but getting nothing done is not complaint anymore for me! This course is literally giving you actual tools that you can implement  at your own pace. It's been 4 days and already I am thinking more effectively.  I have become aware of my time waster habits and making immediate steps to eliminate them."

Karen F.
Trinidad & Tobago Graduate

 "The most positive takeaway from this course was learning step by step how to prioritize my daily tasks and to be more efficient in running my company and develop healthier habits when it comes to my workload. "I'm eating that Frog "John lol, well trying too.  Anyone considering this workshop will not regret it.."

Reeanna Harrilal
Trinidad & Tobago Graduate

Course Pricing

Productivity Reboot Core Course

$125 USD

  • Single payment. No Certificate.

    • Core Course includes:
    • 10+ hours of content over 5 sections
    • Worksheets to help you throughout
    • Access to exclusive 'Productivity Reboot' Community
    • Located in T&T? Local banking deposit/transfer options available. TT$875
    • ↓↓↓ See below for payment instructions ↓↓↓
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Most popular

Productivity Reboot Certification Course

$175 USD

  • Single payment. Certification Course.

    • Certificate Course Includes Everything in Core Course Plus:
    • 4+ hours of bonus content
    • Quizzes & Assignments in Each Section
    • Certificate will be given when student:
    • 1) Passes each quiz & 2) Completes each section assignment
    • Located in T&T? Local banking deposit/transfer options available. TT$1,225
    • ↓↓↓ See below for payment instructions ↓↓↓
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The 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee is only available for those that purchase online.
It does not apply for local T&T bank payment/transfers.