Money Manifestation Challenge

Money Manifestation Challenge

5-Day Masterclass

Course Summary

Ramp up your ability to make more money on your terms with five simple steps.

You will learn:

Day 1 - Why Manifestation is Important
Day 2 - Getting Specific, Decluttering & Forgiving
Day 3 - Positive Anchors, Act as If & Practice Receiving
Day 4 - Get into Action, Visualisation & Trust/Have Patience
Day 5 - Money & Wealth

This challenge was designed for heart centred entrepreneurs who want to create massive wealth in their business in a way that feels easy and effortless (no matter the circumstance).

Over the next five days we'll show you how to create more wealth and upgrade your money mindset with a few simple and easy to follow tools.

Success is created twice - first in the mind and then in reality

Success first happens in your way of thinking. We'll help you with one of the measures of your success - your state of wealth and abundance.

This is a collaboration between John Ruman and Kristen Alexis to bring you our perspectives on upgrading your mindset to be a magnet for the wealth you desire.

We are excited to help you to implement the tools that will help unlock the blessings that are awaiting you!

Course Curriculum

Feedback from the Challenge participants:

John Ruman

My name is John Ruman. I presently live in the Southern-most Caribbean island of Trinidad.

My mission on this planet is to help humanity achieve greatness and unlock our unlimited potential. I’m here to serve so we can all stop playing small and live the life we are destined to live.

This online platform is designed to help us break through and dissolve barriers so we can shine bright.

Topics vary from confidence building to practical things such as productivity & time management, to every day things like exercise, vitality, & diet.

If this sounds like a journey you want to join me and others on, come aboard. There is room for everyone and a seat with your name on it.

Kristen Alexis

More Participant Feedback:

Course Pricing

Money Manifestation Challenge

$27 USD

  • 5-Day Masterclass

    • 2 1/2 hours of valuable content in bite-sized chunks
    • Learn from two leaders in the wealth & abundance space
    • Located in T&T? Local banking deposit/transfer options available. TT$200
    • ↓↓↓ See below for payment instructions.↓↓↓
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 Located in Trinidad & Tobago?

Want the option of bank deposit or transfer?

Click the button for all payment details. Course is TT$200.